Thursday, January 21, 2010

Creating Business Space

Websphere Business Services Fabric v7.0
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Creating Business Space


Before working with Business Spaces, you must first do the following steps in order:
  1. Start WID
  2. Start the server (Websphere Dynamic Process Edition Server v7.0) ().
    Right-click the server and select Start.
  3. Launch Business Space
    After the server starts successfully, right-click the server and select Launch\Business Space ().

Create the Fabric Administration Space

The Fabric administration space enables an administrator to have global access to the business artifacts defined in the Fabric authoring spaces. This allows the administrator to determine what spaces should be granted access to these objects.

Also, the governance page in this space provides a global view of all change sets created in the system including pending changes that were submitted from the Business Services perspective in WID.

Since this space is restricted to users with administrative permission and provides a global view of the content, there is no need to create more than one Fabric authoring space.

The administration space provides a superset of the functions found in the authoring space. For installations to be used by non-administrators, the authoring space should be used for the bulk of content creation and management.

  1. In the log-in window (),  enter your userID and password and click Login (your userID must belong to FabricAdministrators group).
  2. After you log-in, the Welcome to Business Space window appears ().  You can click either Manage Spaces or Start.  They both go to the same place (Space Manager).
  3. In the Space Manager window, click Create Space  ()
  4. In the create Space window (), do the following:
    1. Enter Space name (i.e 'Fabric AdministrationCC')
    2. Click Create a new space using a template radio button and select Fabric Administration from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Save.
  5. The Space Manager window re-appears showing that the Fabric AdministrationCC space is created ().  Click Done.

Create other Fabric Business Space

You can create the Fabric Authoring() and Fabric Business Process Agility() business spaces using the same steps as above.

The Fabric Authoring template creates a business space designed for a business analyst to create and edit business vocabularies, business services, composite business applications, and policies.

The agility template creates a space designed for a business user to manage policies and business variables in a production environment with little or no IT involvement.

Share Fabric Business Space

  1. In the Space Manager window, select the business space you want to share, i.e Fabric Authoring, by clicking Actions and selecting Share ().
  2. In the Share window (), do the following:
    1. Enter *and click the Search icon (magnifiying glass)
    2. From the Search Results, select the user/s you want to share with and click either Add to View or Add to Edit.
    3. Click Save

Related links

  1. Modeling, developing, assembling, deploying and managing an application
  2. Working with the Fabric templates in Business Space
  3. Business Space Information Center

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