Friday, October 30, 2009

Glossary transformation

Glossary transformation
Websphere Business Services Fabric v612
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Glossary transformation

Glossary transformation occurs to transform the glossary terms (for example, the enumeration created in the previous section) so that they can be used as OWL classes in the ontology model.


The Fabric modeling tool is installed.

Run the glossary transformation

  1. From the menu, select Modeling\Transform\New Configuration().
  2. In the Name and Transformation window(), do the following:
    1. Type VehicleLoanGlossaryTransform in the Name field
    2. Expand Fabric Transformations and select Glossary Transformation
    3. In the Configuration file destination click browse button.
    4. In the Folder Selection window(), select VehicleLoanOntology and click Next
  3. In the New Transformation Configuration, Source and Target window(), do the following:
    1. Select VehicleLoanExtensionsModel (expand VehicleLoanExtensions\Model) as the source.
    2. Select VehicleLoanOntologyModel (expand VehicleLoanOntology\Model) as the target
    3. Click Next.
  4. In the New Transformation Configuration, Properties window(), set the value of Target Package to extensions.  Click Finish.
  5. Click the Run Glossary Transformation button().
  6. After the transformation is successful, the OWL class definitions are created in the VehicleLoanOntology\Models\VehicleLoanOntologyModel\extensions package().

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