Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Creating the ontology model

Creating the ontology model
Websphere Business Services Fabric v612
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  1. Click File\New\Project(). 
  2. Click UML Project and click Next().
  3. Specify the Project Name as VehicleLoanOntology.  Click Next().
  4. The Create a new UML model dialog window appears().
    1. Type the File Name as VehicelLoanOntologyModel. 
    2. In the Templates section, click Blank Model
    3. Clear the Create a default diagram in the new model check box
    4. Click Next
  5. The Project window appears.  Select referenced projects if required.  Click Finish().
  6. If you are prompted to change the perspective to the Modeling perspective, click Yes.
  7. The new UML model is created().

Add Profile and Model library

  1. Double-click the VehicleLoanExtensionsModel to open it().
  2. Add WBSFOntologyProfile profile
    1. Click the Details tab. In the Applied Profiles section, click Add.
    2. The Select Profile window appears.  Click Profile in Workspace and click Browse().
    3. Expand wbsf_profile and select WBSFOntologyProfile.epx.  Click OK().
    4. The Select Profile window re-appears showing the selected profile. Click OK().
    5. If you are prompted with a dialog box with a warning message that tells you that the selected profile has not been released, click OK(). 
  3. Add WXSDDataTypes type
    1. Click the Details tab. In the Model Libraries section, click Add.
    2. The Import Model Library window appears().  Click Deployed Library and select XSDDataTypes from the pull-down menu.  Click OK.

A profile (OWL) and model library (XSDDataTypes) are added().

Create extensions package

  1. To create a package, right-click the VehicleLoanOntologyModel and select Add UML\package().  Re-name the default package name from «» Package1 to extensions.
  2. To apply a package stereotype, select the package (i.e extensions package) and click Properties\Stereotypes\Apply Stereotypes().
  3. An Apply Stereotypes window appears().  Select fabricNamespace and click OK.
  4. Scroll down to the Stereotype Properties, in the Value field for directory, type vehicleloan-assertions, and in the Value field for uri, type http://www.ibm.com/vehicleloan/extensions().

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