Friday, September 24, 2010

Developing the Claim Status BPM solution

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Table of Contents

Understanding the Claim Status problem scenario

  1. Description
  2. Business process
  3. Key Pain Points
  4. Key Performance Indicators and Business Measures required
  5. Roles for the BPM solution

Model phase

  1. Performing gap analysis for identifying assets
  2. Searching for assets using the Asset Navigator
  3. Completing Process Decomposition
    • Extending Insurance Process Models
    • Modifying the Insurance Process Models
    • Adding service tasks to the Insurance Process Models
    • Modifying the mappings in the extended process
    • Adding roles to the Insurance Process Model
    • Adding or modifying Insurance KPIs and business measures
    • Extending KPI and Business Measures
  4. Services Identification
    • Extending Insurance Services Models
    • Extending Insurance Common Components
  5. Creating implementation process models
    • Importing Insurance process models from WebSphere Business Modeler to WebSphere Integration Developer
    • Unit testing the Insurance Process implementation using WebSphere Integration Developer
  6. Creating the user interface
    • Creating the user interface using Lotus Forms
    • Associating a human task in WebSphere Integration Developer
  7. Model phase summary

Assemble phase

  1. Implementing services
    • Implementing a service integration logic using Dynamic Assembler
    • Importing an SCA module to create a composite service definition
    • Unit testing services
  2. Implementing monitor models using KPI and Business Measures
    • Modifying and exporting KPI and business measures in Monitor Models into WebSphere Business Monitor Toolkit
    • Configuring the Process Flow to emit events
    • Generating a monitor model
    • Updating the generated monitor model
      1. Defining user-defined functions
      2. Defining Metrics
      3. Defining Key Performance Indicators
      4. Defining Dimensional Mode
      5. Defining the visual model
    • Testing the monitor model Project Interchange file
  3. Implementing technical policies
    • Creating WebSphere Business Services Fabric project and importing namespaces
    • Implementing policies using Business Services Composition Studio
    • Simulating and testing policies
  4. Assemble phase summary

Deploy phase

  1. Configuring the BPM solution manually
    • Configuring the user registry in WebSphere Process Server
    • Configuring user access in WebSphere Process Server for viewing the WebSphere Business Monitor widget
    • Configuring dashboard alerts
    • Configuring the Business Space dashboard
    • Configuring Business Space themes
  2. Testing the BPM solution
    • Verifying the widget
    • Testing the process executions and viewing instances
    • Verifying dashboards for KPI and metrics updates
    • Executing the Claim Status BPM solution
      1. Updating the claims.csv file
      2. Accessing the Claim Status Business Space
      3. Accepting claim inquiry details
      4. Transferring the claim to a claim specialist
      5. Closing the claim inquiry
    • Viewing reports
      1. Claim Status Dashboard
      2. Analysis
      3. Performance
      4. Report
    • Viewing the Claim Status process flow
      1. Claim Status Process
      2. Claim Status Process Check
  3. Deploy phase summary

Manage phase

Related links

  1. Previous: Create Fabric Spaces Next: Define Business Services
  2. Modeling, developing, assembling, deploying and managing an application
  3. Working with the Fabric templates in Business Space
  4. Business Space Information Center

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