Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Working with the WebSphere Insurance Content Pack

Websphere Industry Content Packs
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Table of Contents

Working with the WebSphere Insurance Content Pack

Insurance Capability Models

  1. Using the Insurance Capability Models
    • Identifying the required processes for a capability
      1. Using the drill down approach to identify the processes
      2. Using the search feature to identify the processes
    • Modeling the processes in WebSphere Business Modeler

Insurance Process Models

  1. Process Models listing for the WebSphere Insurance Content Pack
  2. Viewing artifacts related to the Insurance Process Models
    • Viewing Modeler libraries required for process
    • Viewing the business measures for a process
  3. Using the Insurance Process Models
    • Creating an executable process
    • Creating an monitor model for monitoring business measures for the process
    • Using the Insurance Process Models related libraries
  4. Extending the Insurance Process Models
    • Modifying the Insurance Process Models
    • Adding Services to the Insurance Process Models
    • Adding roles to the Insurance Process Model
  5. Verifying the Insurance Process Models
    • Exporting the Insurance Process Models
    • Verifying the Insurance Process Models for Enterprise Archive file creation

Insurance Service Models

  1. Insurance service interfaces
    • Using the Insurance service interfaces
      1. Identifying an SCA Library
      2. Identifying a service interface
      3. Using a service interface from an existing SCA Library
    • Extending the Insurance service interfaces
    • Testing the Insurance service interfaces

Insurance Common Components

  1. Insurance common services
    • Insurance common services listing
      1. Prerequisite tasks for working with the Common Components
      2. Insurance Rules Engine service
      3. Image Transformation service
      4. Error Identification service
      5. ACORD Bulk service
      6. ACORD Debulk service
      7. ACORD File Extraction service
      8. ACORD Reject Repair service
      9. ACORD Signon service
      10. ACORD Validation service
      11. ACORD to HRXML Credit Transformation service
      12. ACORD to HRXML Crime Transformation service
      13. ACORD Channel service
      14. IRI Bulking Service
      15. IRI Debulking Service
      16. IRI Reject Repair Service
      17. IRI SignOn Service
      18. IRI FileExtraction Service
      19. IRI Validation Service
    • Testing the Insurance common services
      1. Testing common services in WebSphere Integration Developer (unit test environment)
    • Deprecated Insurance common services

Insurance Business Vocabulary

  1. Using the Insurance Business Vocabulary
    • Importing the Insurance Business Vocabulary
    • Creating a business policy
  2. Extending the Insurance Business Vocabulary
    • Creating roles
    • Creating channels
    • Creating concepts

Insurance Business Object Model

  1. Using Insurance Business Object Model
  2. Extending the Insurance Business Object Model
  3. Creating a new Business Object Model
  4. Importing Business Object Model into Rational Software Architect
  5. Removing Industry specific stereotypes
  6. Verifying the Business Object Model

Insurance Solution Scenarios

  1. Prerequisite software for executing the Solution Scenario
    • Prerequisite tasks for installing the Solution Scenarios
  2. Solution Scenario 1: Claim Status
    • Introduction
      1. Business Process
      2. Scope
      3. Business measures and KPI
      4. Asset listing
    • Viewing the Claim Status Solution Scenario artifacts
      1. Viewing Capability Models and processes in the WebSphere Business Compass business design features
        • Using the drill-down approach to identify the processes
        • Using the search feature to identify the processes
      2. Viewing the Process Model in the WebSphere Business Modeler
      3. Viewing Lotus Forms in WebSphere Integration Developer
      4. Viewing processes in WebSphere Integration Developer
      5. Viewing the business measures modeled in WebSphere Business Monitor Toolkit
      6. Viewing Common Components in WebSphere Integration Developer
      7. Viewing the Solution Scenario metadata in WebSphere Business Services Fabric
      8. Viewing the Business Vocabulary in Business Space
    • Executing the Claim Status Solution Scenario
    • Executing the Claim Status Solution Scenario using Business Space
    • Step 1: Updating the claims.csv file
    • Step 2: Accessing the Claims Summary Business Space
    • Step 3: Accepting claim inquiry details
    • Step 4: Transferring the claim to a claim specialist
    • Step 5: Closing the claim inquiry
    • Step 6: Viewing reports
    • Step 7: Viewing the Claim Status process flow
  3. Extending the Solution Scenario
  4. Testing the Solution Scenario

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