Friday, September 24, 2010

WebSphere Insurance Content Pack

Websphere Industry Content Packs
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WebSphere Insurance Content Pack

Type of AssetsArtifact TypeTools
Capability Models
Business Document file
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • WebSphere Business Compass

Process Models
Modeler Archive Files (.mar)
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • WebSphere Business Modeler

Service Models
SCA Libraries, WebSphere Business Services Fabric Projects
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • WebSphere Integration Developer

Common Components
SCA Libraries, SCA Modules
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • WebSphere Integration Developer

  • WebSphere Process Server

Business Vocabulary
Fabric Content Archive (.jar) file
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • WebSphere Business Services Fabric

Business Object Model
UML Models
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • Rational® Software Architect - Design time (Recommended tool)

  • Rational Data Architect

Solution Scenarios
SCA Modules
SCA Libraries
Modeler Archive Files
Monitor Models
WebSphere Business Services Fabric Projects
Lotus® Forms
Enterprise Archive files
  • WebSphere Industry Content Packs

  • WebSphere Process Server

  • WebSphere Business Monitor

  • WebSphere Business Modeler

  • WebSphere Integration Developer

  • WebSphere Business Services Fabric

  • WebSphere Business Monitor Toolkit

  • WebSphere Dynamic Process Edition

  • WebSphere Business Compass

  • IBM® DB2® Enterprise Edition

  • Lotus Forms Viewer

  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) viewer

Using the Insurance Capability Models

The Capability Models available with the WebSphere® Insurance Content Pack are packaged as a Business Document (.bda) file. This file can be imported into Business Space using the Business Design Space.

The Insurance Capability Models can be used to identify the process required for a capability. They can also be used to model the processes available in the Capability Models using WebSphere Business Modeler.

Identifying the required processes for a capability
Identifying the required processes for a capability involves using either the drill down approach to search the process or using the search feature to identify the process.
Import Insurance Capability Models
Ensure that you import the Business Document file that includes all the capabilities and processes related to the WebSphere Insurance Content Pack before searching for processes.

Importing the Business Document file involves the following steps:

  1. Start the Business Compass Server ()
  2. Log on to Business Space ()
  3. Click Actions\Create Space ()
  4. Provide the space name and space description, select Business Design Space from the Create a new space using a template list, and then click Save ()
  5. In the newly created space, click the Design tab and then click Upload a local file to repository ().
  6. Click Browse button, select the required Business Document file to upload, and click OK ()
  7. Note: Ensure that you select all the check boxes for the capabilities and sub capabilities for the WebSphere Insurance Content Pack and click OK ()
  8. The Insurance Capability Models are imported ()
Using the drill-down approach to identify the processes
  1. In the Documents tab\Insurance Capability Model CC, click Insurance Capability Model V7.0 Edit or View button ()
  2. In the Outline view, click the main capability to view the capability map.
  3. Click View sub capability in the capability to view the sub capabilities.
    Note: The View sub capability option is visible if the capability includes sub capabilities.
  4. Click the sub capability for which you want to view the related processes.
  5. Click Details\Supporting Processes to view the processes.
Using the search feature to identify the processes
  1. In the space where you have imported the Business Document file, clickSearch ().
  2. Set the search type to My Documents.
  3. Enter the name of the process you want to search for and click Search.
  4. Click the required process to view the process details.

Developing the Claim Status BPM solution

  1. Understanding the Claim Status problem scenario
  2. Model phase
  3. Assemble phase
  4. Deploy phase
  5. Manage phase

1-Understanding the Claim Status problem scenario
2-Model phase
3-Assemble phase
  1. Description
  2. Business process
  3. Key Pain Points
  4. Key Performance Indicators and Business Measures required
  5. Roles for the BPM solution
  1. Performing gap analysis for identifying assets
  2. Searching for assets using the Asset Navigator
  3. Completing Process Decomposition
  4. Extending Insurance Process Models
  5. Modifying the Insurance Process Models
  6. Adding service tasks to the Insurance Process Models
  7. Modifying the mappings in the extended process
  8. Adding roles to the Insurance Process Model
  9. Adding or modifying Insurance KPIs and business measures
  10. Extending KPI and Business Measures
  11. Services Identification
  12. Extending Insurance Services Models
  13. Extending Insurance Common Components
  14. Creating implementation process models
  15. Importing Insurance process models from WebSphere Business Modeler to WebSphere Integration Developer
  16. Unit testing the Insurance Process implementation using WebSphere Integration Developer
  17. Creating the user interface
  18. Creating the user interface using Lotus Forms
  19. Associating a human task in WebSphere Integration Developer
  20. Model phase summary
  1. Implementing services
  2. Implementing a service integration logic using Dynamic Assembler
  3. Importing an SCA module to create a composite service definition
  4. Unit testing services
  5. Implementing monitor models using KPI and Business Measures
  6. Modifying and exporting KPI and business measures in Monitor Models into WebSphere Business Monitor Toolkit
  7. Configuring the Process Flow to emit events
  8. Generating a monitor model
  9. Updating the generated monitor model
  10. Defining user-defined functions
  11. Defining Metrics
  12. Defining Key Performance Indicators
  13. Defining Dimensional Mode
  14. Defining the visual model
  15. Testing the monitor model Project Interchange file
  16. Implementing technical policies
  17. Creating WebSphere Business Services Fabric project and importing namespaces
  18. Implementing policies using Business Services Composition Studio
  19. Simulating and testing policies
  20. Assemble phase summary
4-Deploy phase
5-Manage Phase
  1. Configuring the BPM solution manually
  2. Configuring the user registry in WebSphere Process Server
  3. Configuring user access in WebSphere Process Server for viewing the WebSphere Business Monitor widget
  4. Configuring dashboard alerts
  5. Configuring the Business Space dashboard
  6. Configuring Business Space themes
  7. Testing the BPM solution
  8. Verifying the widget
  9. Testing the process executions and viewing instances
  10. Verifying dashboards for KPI and metrics updates
  11. Executing the Claim Status BPM solution
  12. Updating the claims.csv file
  13. Accessing the Claim Status Business Space
  14. Accepting claim inquiry details
  15. Transferring the claim to a claim specialist
  16. Closing the claim inquiry
  17. Viewing reports
  18. Claim Status Dashboard
  19. Analysis
  20. Performance
  21. Report
  22. Viewing the Claim Status process flow
  23. Claim Status Process
  24. Claim Status Process Check
  25. Deploy phase summary

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