Saturday, September 4, 2010

Creating a Fabric Project

Websphere Business Services Fabric v7.0
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Creating a Fabric Project

This Fabric project that you will be creating in Composition Studio is a local replica of the one that already exists in Fabric.  It was automatically created in Fabric while you were working on Fabric authoring in Business Space.

The Fabric authoring performed earlier using Business Space caused Fabric projects to be created. A Fabric project created for an application automatically imports each of the business services used by that application. We'll be connecting to the Loans Origination fabric project.

The first time a user creates a Fabric project, it is necessary to log in to the Fabric web console at http//<server>:<port>/fabric to establish a Fabric user account (The port (9080) is setup when you installed Webpshere Business Services Fabric. It is in the file called AboutThisProfile.txt (D:\wdpeV7\DynPrcEd7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\qwdpe\logs). If this step is not performed, the create project wizard will show an empty list of available projects

  1. Start the Fabric Server (required!!).  You have to connect to the Server during the process of creating a Fabric project.
  2. In the Business Integration perspective, select File\New\Project … Select Business Services Fabric\Fabric Project, click Next ()
  3. Provide a name for the project (i.e Loans Origination App) and click Next ()
  4. Click the Configure button to provide server connection details ()
    1. Protocol (http)
    2. Hostname (localhost)
    3. Port (9080)
    4. Username (admin)
    5. Password (admin)
    6. Click OK ()
  5. Wait. After several moments a progress bar will indicate the progress of replication. This operation may take a long time to complete ()
  6. Click Next when replication is complete ()
  7. In the Select a Fabric Project window, click on the drop-down listbox and choose Loan Origination from the list of available Fabric projects.  Click Finish ()
  8. A dialog appears asking if you want to "Open Associated Perspective".  Click Yes ()
  9. By default, the Business Service Perspective has a few views that are only useful if you are working with projects from WBSF 6.1.2 or earlier releases. Go ahead and close these views if empty:
    1. Close the Subscriber Explorer view
    2. Close the Business Services Explorer view
  10. Expand the Business Application Explorer. Note that the application, business services, and policies authored in business space show up here with a lock icon indicating that they are read only. These objects can only be modified using the business space ()

Related links

  1. Modeling, developing, assembling, deploying and managing an application
  2. Working with the Fabric templates in Business Space
  3. Business Space Information Center

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