Sunday, September 5, 2010

Changing Policies with the Business Process Agility Space

Websphere Business Services Fabric v7.0
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Changing Policies with the Business Process Agility Space

The business wants to enable business users to periodically change policy settings without exposing all of the powering of the authoring space. In chapter 2, Andy the administrator created the Loans Origination Policy Management space and made it accessible to Joe, a business user.
When the Loan Origination application was created, it was automatically associated with the Loan Origination Authoring space it was created in. If Joe accessed the agility space, he would find it empty because the loan origination application needs to manually exposed for use in that space.
  1. Andy the IT Administrator goes to the Fabric Administration space and opens the Business Service Lifecycle Management page.
    This page shows all Applications, Business services, and Vocabularies that exist in the system and allows and administrator to control what spaces are allowed to see these objects.
  2. Click the Add Space button. Add the Loans Origination Policy Management space and click OK.

Editing Policies in the Agility Space

The Business Policy Configuration page allows a user to view and edit existing application-level policies. The application flow is used as a visualization and navigational aid to find policies relevant to a given business service. Edits to policies are restricted to editing existing values in policy conditions or results. Policies authored at the level of a business service are not accessible through this space. All changes go into a change set and are not available in the runtime until the change set is approved and published. Once the changes are published, the new invocation of a dynamic assembler will take advantage of the changes. Our business user wants to change the loan amount threshold used to determine whether manual or automated underwriting is performed during the Final Review business service.
  1. In the business policies area, select the Final Review business service.
  2. Select the Final Review Automatic Override policy and click Edit. Create a new change set with an explanation of the changes.
  3. Select the condition about loan amounts, an click the pencil button on the right.
  4. Change the value from 25,000 to 30,000. Click OK to dismiss the dialog and Save to leave edit mode.
  5. The change set shows up in the governance tab. Several policies could be edited with the same change set. Click submit change set and provide a comment for the reviewer.
    The changes must be approved and published before they take effect at runtime. After the change, a loan amount of $26,000 will use the automatic variation for Final Review.

Related links

  1. Modeling, developing, assembling, deploying and managing an application
  2. Working with the Fabric templates in Business Space
  3. Business Space Information Center

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