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Assembling in WebSphere Integration Developer (WID)
We will review the SCA modules created for this scenario. Instead of walking step-by-step through the definition of BPELs, services interfaces, and our mock backend service implementations, we'll start by importing a project interchange that contains several SCA modules. Then we'll walk through these modules and explain how it works. .
Importing the Loan Origination SCA Modules
- Download
- Start WID and use a new workspace (i.e LoanOriginationPrebuilt)
- In the Business Integration perspective in WID, Select File\Import. Select Other\Project Interchange option, and click Next (
- Browse to the location of the file. The set of projects in the zip show up. Click Select All and then click Finish (
Exploring the Loan Origination Assembly
This module exports the Loan Origination process and plays the role of the Business Application module. The process has one partner link for each business service that was modeled in the Fabric authoring space and these are wired to dynamic assembly components.
- Open the assembly diagram for the LoanOrigination SCA module (
At each step in the process, the dynamic assembly component is invoked. The dynamic assembler will use business policies and other configuration to dynamically select and invoke the most appropriate process variation to select for each business service. Wired before the BPEL and in between the final two dynamic assemblers are Mediation Flow Components that contain Fabric Context Extractor Mediation Primitives. These components are included in the process to provide context elements needed for evaluating policies.
- Double click on the LoanOrigination process to open the BPEL editor (
After an initial receive step, the Check Credit action invokes the check credit partner with a loan application and receives the loan application back with a credit score filled in.
The next invokes the review collateral partner with the loan application. The response is an updated loan status which is saved to the loanStatus variable. The following assign action updates the loan application with the value of loanStatus returned from the collateral review.
The final review step is similar in that the request is again a loan application and the response is an updated loanStatus.
The final action in the process invokes the notify customer partner with the loan application. The NotifyCustomer interface is modeled as a one-way operation.
Exploring the CheckCredit Assembly
The ChooseCreditCheck dynamic assembly component uses policies to dynamically bind to the most appropriate of three backend credit report services that implement the GetCreditReport interface.
- Open the assembly diagram for the CheckCredit module (
No context extraction is needed here. In this case, the necessary context will be established by the CreditCheck dynamic assembler in the loan origination process. At runtime, the necessary context elements are propagated so that they can be accessed anywhere within the automated credit check process variation.
- Double-click to open the AutomatedCreditCheckProcess (
The interface to this process takes a loan application and returns a loan application with a credit score. The process is used to create a CreditReportRequest, invoke the getCreditReport reference partner, and update the loan application with the credit score from the CreditReportResponse.
- Open the assembly diagram for the BetterFinancialsBackend module (
The BetterFinancialsBackend module provides simple mock implementations of the three backend credit services exposed via Soap/HTTP exports. To make it easier to distinguish which service is selected, each mock implementation returns a different fixed credit score. The following table shows the credit score returned by each implementation:
Table 1.
Credit Service Mock Credit Score Trans Union 500 Experian 600 Internal Credit Check 700
Exploring the Review Collateral Assembly
This module provides implementations of two process variations for the Review Collateral business service. Although this example and others in this guide place variations in the same module, consider putting each variation in its own module. That way, a new service can be introduce or an old one modified by deploying a new or updated module for that one process variation
The No Collateral Review implementation will update the loanStatus to the INPROGRESS state if no loan status is provided.
The human collateral review launches a human task for someone to review the collateral and update the status of the loan. The human task is configured so that the work can be performed in the Business Process Choreographer.
Exploring the Final Review Assembly
This module provides implementation for the human and automated process variations for the Final Review business service. The automatic underwriting java implementation will set the loan status to APPROVED unless the loan has already been rejected or flagged for needing additional information.
The manual underwriting human task will allow an underwriter to review the loan and determine the final status.
Exploring the Notify Customer Assembly
The Notify Customer SCA Module provides implementations for both the human and automated process variations of the Notify Customer business service.
The java implementation of AutomaticNotification “notifies” the customer by printing the customer name and final loan status as a system out message that will appear in the server console at runtime. The human implementation will spawn a human task so that customers can be directly contacted by a bank representative.
- Previous: Work with Websphere Business Modeler Next: Configure and Test Dynamic Assembly
- Modeling, developing, assembling, deploying and managing an application
- Working with the Fabric templates in Business Space
- Business Space Information Center
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