Saturday, November 14, 2009

Modeling extensions

Modeling extensions
Websphere Business Services Fabric v612
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Modeling Extensions


You normally go throught the following sequential steps to model extensions: 
  1. Create the business glossary model
  2. Create the ontology model
  3. Transform the glossary
  4. Model the Ontology
  5. Transform the ontology
  6. Export the model extensions


Create the Business glossary model

The Industry Business Glossary is a taxonomy of business terms in an industry. It also provides information about relationships with other industry-specific terms.

WebSphere Business Services Fabric enables interoperability of heterogeneous systems in an enterprise ecosystem through business services metadata that includes roles, channels, assertions, and policies. To enable the consistency and reuse of the associated business services, it is very important to use industry standards to define the metadata. The Industry Business Glossary is a common vocabulary that represents the taxonomy of business terms from various industry standards.

The Industry Business Glossary is based on an industry standard that represents business objects or data types. You can source the content for the Industry Business Glossary from any of the data standards, such as BOM models, messaging models, and industry dictionaries. An Industry Business Glossary can source content from multiple industry standards, which allows you to choose one of the standards as an enterprise-wide information or canonical model for business services.

The Industry Business Glossary provides predefined and extensible business services metadata (based on industry standards) that serves as a framework to improve business services consistency and reuse.

Industry Business Glossary is a taxonomy of business terms for a specific industry. The glossaries also provide information about relationships with other industry-specific terms. At design-time, the Industry Business Glossary is expressed as an UML model and the Rational Software Architect is the recommended tools. The IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric Modeling Tool is used to visualize and extend the Industry Business Glossary. At runtime, the Industry Business Glossary is made available as a Fabric Content Archive and uses the Fabric tools.

After the Fabric Model Tool plug-in is available, you can create a business glossary model, which is comprised of standard industry terms that are represented as ontology classes with properties in UML notation. The industry core model comprises of assertionsroles, and channels.
You can model extensions using the Fabric Modeling Tool (FMT), which is a plug-in for Rational Software Architect. The Fabric Tool Pack contains an UML model representation of Fabric core concepts that are available as stubs. You can extend classes from this model inside the industry core model to create new assertion, channel, and role types.

We will create a glossary model like the one shown in this image().
  1. Create a new UML project (VehicleLoanExtensions) and UML model (VehicleLoanExtensionsModel).
  2. Apply the business glossary profile(glossary_profile\WBSFBusinessGlossaryProfile.epx) to the model.
  3. Create a new package (glossary).
  4. Create a class (CustomerTypeEnumeration).
  5. Apply class stereotype (Glossary Term).
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create BankIdentifierEnumeration and RatingScoreEnumeration classes.

Create the Ontology model

We will create an ontology model like the one shown in this image().
  1. Create a new UML project (VehicleLoanOntology) and UML model (VehicleLoanOntologyModel).
  2. Apply the business glossary profile(wbsf_profile\WBSFOntologyProfile.epx) to the model.
  3. Import model library (XSDDataTypes).
  4. Create a new package (extensions).
  5. Apply a package stereotype (fabricNamespace).
  6. Set package stereotype properties as follows:
    1. directory = vehicleloan-assertions
    2. uri =

Transform the Glossary

After completing the glossary model() you have to transform it so that they can be used as OWL classes() in the ontology model.
  1. Source
  2. Target

Model the Ontololgy

You can extend classes from the industry core model to create new assertionchannel, and role types to meet your unique and specific requirements.

We will continue working on the ontology model that we started above.  After completion, the ontology model should look like the one shown in this image().
extensions package
  1. In the extensions package extend  Fabric-Model-Stubs\Models\Fabric-Core\Core Ontology\EnumeratedValue 
    using VehicleLoanOntology\Models\VehicleLoanOntologyModel\extensions\CustomerTypeEnumeration as the extended class ().
  2. In the extensions package create class instances as shown in this image ().
ontology package
  1. Create a package named ontology with the following attributes():
    1. Stereotype = fabricNamespace
    2. Stereotype Properties:
      1. Directory = vehicleloan-assertions
      2. uri =
  2. In the ontology package create an extension class  with the following attributes():
    1. class name = CustomerTypeAssertion
    2. class stereotypes():
      1. fabricAssertion (set AssertionDuplicateAllowed = True)
      2. owlClass
      3. rdfs:label (set label = Customer Type Assertion)
  3. Extend Fabric-Model-Stubs\Models\Fabric-Core\Policy Assertion Ontology\ContentBasedAssertion class using CustomerTypeAssertion().
  4. Create an attribute for the CustomerTypeAssertion class():
    1. attribute name = hasCustomerType
    2. type = string
    3. class attribute stereotypes/values ():
      1. fabricAssertedProperty (assertionPropertyComparator: EqualsComparator, controlWidget: referenceSelect)
      2. owl:FunctionalProperty
      3. rdfs:label (set label = CustomerType)

Transform the Ontololgy

After completing the ontology model (), run the ontology transformation to transform a UML model that is defined in one notation to be converted into another UML model or a text.
Change the Text file encoding to UTF-8 before running the ontology transformation.

Use the following parameters when running the transformation:
  1. Name = VehicleLoanOntologyTransform
  2. Fabric Transformations = OWL Transformation
  3. Configuration file destination = VehicleLoanOntology
  4. Source = VehicleLoanOntology\Models\VehicleLoanOntologyModel
  5. Target = VehicleLoanOntology\Models\VehicleLoanOntologyModel
A new project called FabricOWLProject () is created after running the ontology transformation.

Export the model extensions

After running the ontology transformation, export the FabricOWLProject as a Fabric Content Archive (FCA).

A Fabric Content Archive (FCA) is a compressed file or a JAR file that contains Web Ontology (OWL) files and a content-pack.xml file. The FCA provides the manifest of the Fabric Content Archive contents with definitions of projects and namespaces for the model extensions.

Related links

  1. Getting Started with IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric V6.1
  2. IBM Rational Software Architect Version Information Center
  3. IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric Modeling Tool

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