Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Install Websphere Business Services Fabric

Install Websphere Business Services Fabric 
Websphere Business Services Fabric v612
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Installing the IBM Business Services Tool pack

Interactively installing the IBM Business Services Tool Pack

You must install Websphere Integration Developer 6.1.2 first before installing the Business Services Tool pack.
  1. In the Fabric install folder, run launchpad.exe by double clicking it ().
  2. In the Welcome window, select IBM Websphere Service Tool Pack Installation ().
  3. Click Launch the installation wizard... ().
  4. Installation is being prepared ().
  5. Select preferred language(i.e English) from the drop down box and Click OK().
  6. Click Next on the Welcome screen (). 
  7. Accept the terms and click Next (). 
  8. Select Custom and check Install Composition Studio and Unit Test Environment and click Next().   The Fabric Unit Test Environment contains all the IBM Business Services Foundation Pack components.
  9. In the Select Install Folder window, enter installation location and click Next ().
  10. Enter the location of Websphere Integration Developer and click Next().
  11. Review pre-installation summary and click Install (). 
  12. You should see the installation in progress (). 
  13. The WBSFabric profile is being created in the UTE ().
  14. The WBSFabric is being installed in WID Integrated Test Environment ().  This may take a while!!
  15. When the installation is comple, the Install Complete window appears.  Click Done ().

Verifying a successful installation

Verify a Composition Studio installation
  1. Launch the WebSphere® Integration Developer. When the WebSphere Integration Developer, starts select any new workspace. This opens the welcome page.
  2. Close the Welcome page. 
  3. Select Select Window\Open Perspective\Other... ()
  4. The Open Perspective pop-up window opens up.  You should see the “Business Service” perspective(). If the Business Service perspective is available your installation was successful. Selecting OK will switch to the perspective and allow you to use the Composition Studio features.
Verify a Unit Test environment installation
  1. Launch the WebSphere® Integration Developer. When the WebSphere Integration Developer, starts select any new workspace. This opens the welcome page.
  2. Close the Welcome page.
  3. You should see Websphere Business Services Fabric Server v6.1 in the Server tab ().

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